Dr. Lin
1. Comparing to EHR, HM for removal of myomas or polyps appears had shorter operation time and less irrigation fluid usage. 2. The endometrium recovery in infertile cases seemed to be better in HM in the aspect of endometrium thickness.
Dr. Lin, Ta-Chin: Introduction of PGT-A, NGS, IVF, advanced Age, habitual abortion, embryo selection, multiple IVF failure. Preimplantation Genetic Testing - Aneuploidies: PGT-A Next Generation Sequencing: NGS Old Term: preimplantation genetic screening - PGS
Dr. Lin, Ta-Chin: A common obstetric complication relevant to infertility, IVF, and varicose veins. Thromboembolic disease, Pulmonary Embolism in Pregnancy, Protein S deficiency, Protein C deficiency, Antiphospholipid syndrome.